The following is a listing of the end credits for The Operative: No One Lives Forever
"---" separates the credit screens
Items listed in bold was only present in the Game of the Year end credits.
No One Lives Forever[]
Fox Interactive Presents:
No One Lives Forever
Game of the Year Edition
Developed by
Monolith Productions Inc.
No One Lives Forever
Game of the Year Edition
is powered by LithTech
Fox Interactive:
Chris Miller, Producer
Aaron Blean, Associate Producer
Tim Hall, Associate Producer (also present in PS2 credits)
Fox Quality Assurance Department:
Don Sexton, Q.A. Manager
Kaycee Vardaman, Q.A. Lead
Igor Krinitskiy, Q.A. Assistant Manager (also present in PS2 credits)
Tim Harrison, Q.A. Lead (listed as Co-Lead in GOTY and PS2 credits)
Chris Wilson, Q.A. Lead
Fox Test Team:
Arabian Nazel (listed on next screen on GOTY credits)
Ken Anderson (not listed in GOTY credits)
Sweet Billy (not listed in GOTY credits)
Tony Black (not listed in GOTY credits)
Fancis Choi
Kristian Davila (not listed in GOTY credits)
Javier Lagos (listed on next screen in original credits)
Joe Lamas
Kerry Marshall(listed on the next screen in original credits)
Aaron Minjares (listed on the next screen in original credits)
Brian Zenns (only listed on PS2 credits)
Matt Dell
Glenn Dphrepaulezz
David Farkas
Kevin Haynh
Igor Krinitskiy (listed as Q.A. Assistant Manager in GOTY credits)
Javier Lagos (listed on previous screen on GOTY credits)
Franz Latten
Duc Lai
Cris Lee
Jeremy Luyties
Aaron Minjares (listed on previous screen in GOTY credits)
Red Magpantay
Kerry Marshall (listed on the previous screen in GOTY credits)
Young Park
Arabian Nazel (listed on previous screen in original credits)
Luke Thai (listed on the next screen in original credits)
Ellen Williams (listed on the next screen in original credits)
--- (this screen does not appear in the GOTY credits)
Cabriel Slater
Jeff Spierer
David Taylor
Luke Thai (listed on the previous screen in GOTY credits)
Tim Tran
Ellen Williams (listed on the previous screen in GOTY credits)
Chris Wilson
Anant Jiemjitpolchai
Nathan Sutter
William Pamies
Jeff Tatman
Daan Wisehart
Special Thanks:
Marisa Porter, MCA
Tim Godwin, Line 6
Van Riker, 1500 Records
Triumph Motorcycles
Doc Martins (listed as Dr. Martens in PS2 credits)
Brian Thomas, Fox Library
Lisa Fredsti, Fox Library
Kathleen Camplin, Fox Library
Dave Monroe, Fox Library
Mitzi Martin
Brad Zell, Avalon (PS2 credits only)
David Orin, Panasonic (PS2 credits only)
Karly Young
John Dongelmans
Kyle "Pezman" Peschel (not listed in PS2 credits)
Jack Van Leer
Karen Mangon
Angela Edwards (not listed in GOTY credits)
Dave Rech
Dave Shaw
Danny Ruiz (not listed in GOTY or PS2 credits)
Ivo Gerscovich
Luke Letizia
Sung Yoo (not listed in PS2 credits)
Eric Asevo
Robert Hayes, ATI (not listed in PS2 credits)
Brian Harvey, Nvidia (not listed in PS2 credits)
3DFX (not listed in PS2 credits)
GameSpy (not listed in PS2 credits)
Joe Finetti
Ken Ormiston, T.C. Electronics (PS2 credits only)
Erik Gauriluk, Bomb Factory (PS2 credits only)
Kristin Sutter (Nolfgirl) (PS2 credits only)
Monolith Productions:
(In Alphabetical Order)
Due to differences for PS2 credits, see note below
James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer
Scott Albaugh, 2D/3D Artist
Dan Berke, Engineer
Kevin Francis, Engine Engineer
Jim Geldmacher, Engineer
Jon Gramlich, QA Lead
Chris Hewett, Director of Development
Craig Hubbard, Lead Game Designer
Eric Kohler, Character Art Direction
Steve Lee, 2D Artist
Brian Long, AI and Animation Engineer
David Longo, Lead 3D Artist
John Mulkey, Level Designer
Bob Munsil, Level Designer
Brian Pamintuan, Sound Designer
Frank Rooke, Level Designer
Sasha Runnels, 2D Artist
Samantha Ryan, Producer
Wes Saulsberry, Art Lead
Kevin Stephens, Lead Engineer
Akika Tanaka, 2D/3D Artist
Cassano Thruston, Sound Designer
Bill Vandervoort, Lead Level Designer
Simon Wong, Lead Motion Capture Engineer (listed for PC credits on PS2 end credits)
Special thanks to the
following Monolith personnel:
Matt Allen (not listed on PS2 credits)
Kevin Bailey
Rhett Baldwin
Andrea Barringer
Mark Brown
Wayne Burns
Nadia Eng
Ben Chamberlain
Ben Coleman
Courtney Evans
Israel Evans
Jay Fuller (not listed on PS2 credits)
Bob Givnin
Andy Grant
Jason Hall
Nathan Hendrickson
Peter Higley
Patti Kail
Darren Korman
Gary Kussman
Kevin Lambert (not listed on PS2 credits)
Spencer Maiers
Andy Mattingly
Eric Minamoto
Dan Miller
Jonathan Stein
Dan Thibadeau
Jim Totaro
Brian Waite
Sandra Watanabe
Kiyotaka Yaguchi
Special Thanks:
Mike Dussault
Whose contributions we cannot honor greatly enough
Brad Pendleton
Whose steadfastness has served as an inspiration to us all
Tim Pollard
For his research on authentic coins
Rachel Blackman
Bryan Bouwman
Jonathan Branam
Jeff Everett
Terry Franguiadakis
Brian Goble
Toby Gladwell
Adam Hayek
Chris Hedberg
Matthew Scott
Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing:
Sarita Churchill
Koren Buckner
Angela Emery
Neal Johnson
Michelle Garnier-Winkler
Kathy Carter
Grace Ching
Miae Kim
Michelle Ferrell
Third Law Interactive:
(In Alphabetical Order)
Larry Herring
Matt Hooper
Will Loconto
Mike Maynard
Mark Morgan
David Namaksy
Steve Rescoe
Jonathan E. Wright
See notes below for PS2 credits in music
Guy Whitmore, Composer, Interactive music design
Rich Ragsdale, Title track
Erik Aho, DirectMusic Arranger, additional music composition
Nathan Grigg, DirectMusic Arranger, additional music composition
Tobin Buttram, DirectMusic Arranger, additional music composition
Lori Goldston, Cello (Badguy theme)
Gino, Vocals (Morrocan theme)
Additional Music Tracks by Becky Kneubuhl
Doug Norwine, Flute
Joe Finetti, Trombone
Lee Thornberg, Trumpet
Lisa Kable, Vocals
Chris Lee, Guitars
Mixed and recorded by Gabriel Rutman at Asylum Studios
Remixed by Gabriel Rutman and Scotty Clausen
--- (screen does not appear in GOTY credits)
Written and performed by Red Delicious
(Steve Baca, Sara Wallace, Rob King)
Published by Stompin' Music (BMI)
(c) 2000 Red Delicious
--- (screen does not appear in GOTY credits)
"El Dorado"
Written and Performed by Archie Thompson
Published by ArchType Music (BMI)
(c) Archie Thompson
Voice and Motion Capture Artists:
Jock Blaney, Dmitrij Volkov
Ken Boynton, Santa plus voices too numerous to count!
Barbara Dirickson, Baroness Dumas
Scott Burns, Various
Mike Madeoy, Tom Goodman
Jamil Mullen, Motion Capture Performer
Kit Harris, Cate Archer and Inge Wagner
Mark Dias, Various
John Patrick Lowrie, Bruno Lawrie
Nigel Neale, Mr. Jones
Andrew Heffernan, Motion Capture Performer
Jenna Hawkins, Motion Capture Performer
Roger Curtis, Mr. Smith
Jeff Steitzer, Baron Dumas
David Stalker, Magnus Armstrong (not listed in PS2 credits)
--- (this screen not present in PS2 credits)
Uses Miles Sound System
Copyright 1991-2000 (2001 in GOTY credits) by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Uses Binks Video Technology
Copyright 1994-2000 (2001 in GOTY credits) by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System
from RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG-3 audio compression
technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMPSON Multimedia.
Sampled Instruments by Sonic Implants:
2000 (2000-2001 in GOTY credits, 2002 in PS2 credits) Monolith Productions, Inc.
LithTech (TM) Game Engine 1998-1999 (2001 in GOTY credits, 2002 in PS2 credits) Monolith Productions, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Fox, Fox Interactive, No One Lives Forever, The Operative
and their associated logos are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
LithTech is a trademark of Monolith Productions, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. (not listed in PS2 credits)
The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive
Digital Software Association.
- The final cut scene between Dmitrij Volkov and The Director plays.
- Mission Status screen comes up
PS2 Credits[]
Due to differences in the listing in two sections (Monolith personnel and Music), this section differs from the PC version listed above. All other credits are the same unless noted above.
No One Lives Forever
PlayStation2 Team:
(In Alphabetical Order)
James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer
Matt Allen, Lead Artist
Dan Berke, Engine Engineer
Bryan Bouwman, Engine Engineer
Kevin Deadrick, Level Designer
Dan Fagan, Game Engineer
Terry Franguiadakis, Modeling & Animation Engineer
Crista Forest, Level Designer
Jay Fuller, Level Designer
Nathan Grigg, Music
Andy Heinz, LithTech Producer
Chris Hewett, Director of Development
Craig Hubbard, Game Designer
Kevin Lambert, Lead Engineer
Joseph Laurino, Engine Engineer
David LeCompte, Engine Engineer
Brian Legge, AI Engineer
Andrew Megowan, Senior Game Engineer
Garrett Price, Producer
Frank Rooke, Lead Level Designer
Curtis Salsman, Level Designer
Adam Schaeffer, Engine Engineer
Matt Scott, Lead Engine Engineer
Jonathan Stein, QA Manager
Ewen Vowels, Engine Engineer
No One Lives Forever title track
created by Rich Ragsdale
Music by Becky Kneubuhl
Mixed by Gabriel Mann
Joe Finetti, Trombone
Lee Thornberg, Trumpet
Adam Marcello, Drums
Doug Norwine, Flute
Recorded at Asylum Studios