The following is a listing of the end credits for No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
There is a dialog between Cate Archer and Magnus Armstrong at the start of the credits. There is a mid-credit cut scene and an after-credit cut scene.
"---" separates the credit screens
No One Lives Forever 2[]
A Fox Interactive and Sierra Entertainment Production
A Monolith Productions Game
No One Lives Forever 2:
A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
is powered by the
LithTech Jupiter System
Fox Interactive:
Chris Miller, Producer
Aaron Blean, Associate Producer
Fox Quality Assurance Department:
Igor Krinitskiy, Assistant Quality Assurance Manager
Francis Choi, Lead Tester
Test Team:
Geoff Bent
Scott Carroll
Michael Graham
Jen Johnson
Cris Lee
Jonathan Masterson
Billy Pamier
Denise Pater
Luke Thai
Hal Zabie
Localization Manager:
Kristian Davila
Special Thanks:
Eric Asevo
Steve Berscch
Pete Cesario
Lindsey Fischer
Ivo Gerscovich
Greg Goodrich
Tim Hall
Tim Harrison
Michael Heilemann
Becky Kneubuhl
Luke Letizia
Dan Mackechnie
Gabriel Mann
John Melchior
Megan O'Brien
Paul Pawlicki
Michael Pole
Rich Ragsdale
Tim Ramage
Jamie Samson
Kirk Scott
Dave Shaw
David Stalker
Kristin Sutter (
Tim Tran
Jack Van Leer
Ellen Williams
Chris Wilson
Asylum Studio (
Lisa Fredsti (Fox Library)
Brian Thomas (Fox Library)
Brian Harvey (NVIDIA)
Jessie Lawrence (Creative Labs)
Mike Drummelsmith (Matrox)
Marisa Porter, MCA
Van Riker, 1600 Records
John Dongelmans (Microsoft)
Tim Godwin, Line 6
Working with the NOLF team continues
to be a great experience.
Thank you for all the late nights,
the lost weekends and most of all,
for your incredible commitment to
the quality of this game.
You're awesome! -CM
- The cut scene with Mr. Jones returning from vacation airs here.
Monolith Productions:
James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer
Scott Albaugh, Senior 2D/3D Artist/Animator
Curt Collins, 2D/3D Artist
Brian Davis, 2D/3D Artist
Michael Drummond, Level Designer
Kevin Francis, Senior Engineer
Terry Franguiadakis, Engineer
Jim Geldmacher, Engineer
Jon Gramlich, QA Lead
Nathan Grigg, Composer
Chris Hewett, Director of Development
J.J. Hoesing, Engineer
Rodney Houle, Level Designer
Craig Hubbard, Creative Director/Lead Game Designer
Steve Lee, Senior 2D/3D Artist
David Longo, Art Director/Lead 3D Artist
Dan Miller, Level Designer
John Mulkey, Lead Level Designer
Jeff Orkin, Senior Engineer
John O'Rorke, Engineer
Brian Pamintuan, Sound Designer
Russ Pecoraro, Engineer
Brad Pendleton, Lead Engineer
Sasha Runnels, Senior 2D/3D Artist
Samantha Ryan, Producer
Wes Saulsberry, Art Lead
Kevin Stephens, Director of Engineering
Akika Tanaka, 2D/3D Artist
Cassano Thruston, Sound Designer
Simon Wong, Motion Capture Engineer
Additional Level Design:
Nathan Cheever
Dan Thibadeau
Character Concept Art:
Eric Kohler
Special thanks to the
following Monolith personnel:
Matt Allen
Andrea Barringer
Bryan Bouwman
Wayne Burns
Dan Fagan
Andy Grant
Jason Hall
Patti Kail
Gary Kussman
Kevin Lambert
Rick Lambright
Brian Legge
Brian Long
Spencer Maiers
Kristin McLellan
Andrew Megowan
Ryan O'Rourke
Matt Scott
Mark Spadoni
Jim Totaro
Jim Wallingford
Sandra Watanabe
Kiyotaka Yaguchi
Special thanks to the
following LithTech Personnel:
Jonathan Branam
Bob Givnin
Brian Goble
Matt Grimshaw
Chris Hedberg
Jeff Hutt
David Koenig
Dan White
Paige Young
Special thanks to:
Steve Burke, NVIDIA
Justin Cooney, ATI
Todd Clauson, Intel
Keith Galocy, NVIDIA
Greg James, NVIDIA
Matt McClellan, Intel
Derek Reynolds, Intel
Randy 'ydnar' Redding
Metrolabs, developers of
tasty XTZ Caffeine and
herbal energy drinks
NOLF 2 Theme and Game Score:
Nathan Grigg
Cut Scene Scores:
Nathan Grigg
Guy Whitmore
Andrea Wittgens: vocals (NOLF2 Theme)
Nathan Grigg: vocals (NOLF 2 Theme, India, Island)
Vincent Gates: guitar (NOLF 2 Theme)
Lori Goldston: cello
(H.A.R.M. Motif, arranged by Guy Whitmore)
Recording Engineers:
Jay Kennedy
Vincent Gates
Nathan Grigg
Special Thanks:
Rich Ragsdale
(for the use of the NOLF theme)
Voice Cast:
Cate Archer
UNITY Receptionist
Dmitrij Volkov
General Morgan Hawkins
Mischa the pilot
Anoop Banerjee
Balaji Malpani
Soviet personnel
India H.A.R.M. personnel
H.A.R.M. personnel
Isaac Barnes
The Director
H.A.R.M. personnel
Super Soldiers
Soviet personnel
India H.A.R.M. personnel
Bruno Lawrie
Evil Alliance personnel
H.A.R.M. personnel
Dr. Schenker
Super Computer
Magnus Armstrong
As Himself
Motion Capture Cast:
Jenna Hawkins
John Kaufmann
Lisa P. Leon-Guerrero
Justin Emeka
Kerry Wong
Hans Altwies
Sierra Entertainment/Vivendi Universal Publishing:
Bill Dugan, Executive Producer
Bernadette Pryor, Producer
Lee Rosini, Director of Marketing
Mike Rodgers, Brand Manager
Rozita Tolouey, Brand Manager
Rich Robinson, Vice President Studios
Barbara Schwabe, VP of Marketing
Mike Nicolino, Network Development
Julie Pitt, Production Services Manager
Sarita Churchill, PR Manager
Gary Stevens, QA Director
Ken Eaton, QA Supervisor
Tharlie Richardson, QA Test Lead
Sweeny Designs, Manual Design
Guy Welch, Online Marketing Manager
Mike Taskey, Online Evangelist
Randy Linch, Production Certification Director
Rod Shean, Production Certification Director
Chris Rooker, Production Certification Lead
Cyra Talton, Production Certification Lead
Brandon Valdez, Production Certification Lead
Richard Benavides, Production Certification Engineer
Ben Chan, Production Certification Tester
Mary Barker, Trade Marketing Manager
Special Thanks:
Erin Alvarez
Molly O'Brien
Pat Callahan
Julie Daino
Tracy Gibbs
Adam Lumsden
Peter Della Pena
Eric Roeder
Mike Ryder
James Shaw
(c) 2002 Monolith Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cate Archer and A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
are trademarks of Monolith Productions, Inc.
Copywrite (C)2002 Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
(C)1998-2002 Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
Sierra and the Sierra logo are trademarks of Sierra Entertainment.
Fox Interactive, No One Lives Forever and their
associated logos are registered tradmarks or
trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
(c)2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
Uses Bink Video Technology Copyright:
(c) 1994-2002 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology
licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson multimedia.
This product contains the LithTech(tm) Jupiter
System license from LithTech, Inc.
LithTech Jupiter System (c) 1997-2002
LithTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
LithTech and the LithTech logo are
trademarks of LithTech, Inc.
NVIDIA, the NVIDIA Logo, NVIDIA The Way It's
Meant to be Played Logo and other NVIDIA
Marks are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation
in the United States and other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark or
trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
The ratings icon is a trademark of the
Interactive Digital Software Association.
- The final cut sceen plays with The Director taking one last call from Mother and Dmitrij Volkov quitting H.A.R.M.
- Mission Summary screen is presented.
Production Art shown in the Credits[]
The following production art was shown during the end credits.
- General Morgan Hawkins and Isaac Barnes
- A H.A.R.M. soldier in his dark uniform
- Isako with her umbrella
- One of the Super Soldiers
- H.A.R.M. Bot
- A Ninja
- Pierre the Mime King