No One Lives Forever Wiki
NOLF2 NATOHighCommandFleet

Submarines that are part of the NATO High Command Fleet near Khios.

NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a military alliance of western powers opposing the spread of communism from the Soviet Union and its allies (WTO). There's also the European Economic Union, which unites the western economics.

Cate Archer found a memo from Isaac Barnes stating that the Soviet plans for Khios would interfere with the NATO plans for genial manipulative exploration.

When the plans of H.A.R.M., known as Project: Omega, became known NATO set up a naval blockade around Khios in an attempt to prevent the Super Secret Submarine from reaching the island country.

Known NATO members in the 1960's[]

Note: Czechoslovakia, Poland, Spain, Albania and certain territories that use to be a part of Yugoslavia will join NATO after the 1960's.

External link[]

NATO on Wikipedia
