Mother calling her son Eustance aka the Director on the telephone
Mother has a son Eustace who is the Director of terrorist criminal organization knows as H.A.R.M.. She is never seen, only herd via telephone, when she call her son, who gets very irritated when ever his received a phone-call from her mother.
When she can't reach her son by telephone, she would send him letters (some were found by Cate Archer) with updates that she thought her son would want to read. She has also made one attempt to travel from England to Japan to see her son. An associate of the Director had made sure she ended up in Burma. When she informed the associate of her second attempt, mother stated she would make her own travel arrangements.
The Director's mother published a book of poetry called "My Ungrateful Son" which was called an inexcusable contribution to the Icelandic saga tradition. If Cate Archer had escaped Inotakimura alive, then the Director threatened to hold a poetry reading for the members of the Katakuri Ninja Clan.
- Apparently Mother was not aware of her son's true business until after Project Omega had failed. She gave him quite a tongue-lashing afterwards.