No One Lives Forever Wiki
Misfortune in Morocco
Misfortune in Morocco
Mission guide
The Assignment
Requiem for a Spy

"Misfortune in Morocco" is the second level and the first mission in the The Operative: No One Lives Forever. It follows UNITY operative Cate Archer, accompanied by her mentor Bruno Lawrie, on an important mission to Marrakech, Morocco where they must protect an American Ambassador from hired assassins. The level consists of four scenes and is followed by the briefing/training level Requiem for a Spy.


Intelligence has discovered that the American Ambassador to West Germany, Morris Monroe, is marked for execution by an organization calling itself H...A...R...M... or H.A.R.M. The assassination attempt is expected to come on the last day of Monroe's upcoming holiday in Morocco as he is leaving his hotel. There will likely be multiple assailants.

It is imperative that Monroe survive the attack. Be warned though, that the ambassador is extremely nearsighted and almost deaf, so you won't be able to rely on him to realize that he's in danger.

You will be positioned in a residential building across the street from the hotel. Your job is to pick off the assassins before they liquidate Monroe.


Scene 1[]

4:00 pm. September 16
In view of "Le Chameau Heureux" Hotel
Marrakech, Morocco
NOLF1 LeChameauHeureux

Le Chameau Heureux, hotel of Ambassador Monroe

From an apartment overlooking the hotel, Archer communicates with Lawrie via microphone and earpiece. She asks him what he makes of the possibility of a traitor and is shocked to hear that UNITY has had its members turn on them before. Lawrie recalls the time when several undercover agents were killed in Istanbul after they were sold out by the chief's administrative assistant "for a measly fifty quid."

Morris Monroe

Ambassador Morris Monroe

Following a brief fuss between Ambassador Monroe and another hotel guest, Archer protects Monroe from assassins who appear on surrounding rooftops and balconies. Lawrie offers to call out their locations to Archer, which gives the player three choices which correspond to a difficulty level:

  • "That would be lovely" (Easy - Lawrie tells her where the assassins will appear),
  • "I can handle this on my own thank you" (Medium - Lawrie does not tell her where the assassins will appear)
  • "Where's the challenge in that? I just hope there are enough to keep me busy" (Hard - Two assassins will appear at all locations simultaneously).

NOTE: Choosing the hard difficulty is required to obtain the two extra intelligence items that are inside the two mailboxes near the end of the level. Lawrie will mention that he left some letters for Archer before leaving.

Once the first area is cleared, Lawrie tells Archer to proceed to Apartment 12 while he covers Monroe until she gets there. After successfully protecting Monroe from Apartment 12, Lawrie informs Archer that she's been spotted and a group of six thugs is headed her way. After "taking care of some evil-doers", Archer leaves the apartment complex to meet her partner at the Rendezvous point.

Scene 2[]

NOLF1 GrandCaravanHotel

Lobby of the Grand Caravan Hotel

One hour later...
Grand Caravan Hotel

Volkov tells one of his minions to keep his men out of sight so as not to spoil their trap.

Meanwhile, Archer arrives at the hotel and proceeds to meet Lawrie in the lobby, where they discuss the possibility of having been betrayed. They must make their way to the coast in time for their safe extraction from Morocco aboard a ship called the 'Abigail.' Unbeknownst to them, Volkov was lying in wait and ambushes them from above. Lawrie pushes Archer aside and is shot several times. As Lawrie lies dying in Archer's arms, he tells her to go after Volkov and confesses that "while I've always had plenty to die for, you've given me something to live for."

Meanwhile, Volkov orders his men to kill Archer. When asked why he didn't kill her, Volkov responds that his "hunger for revenge distracted him". He also orders his men to kill everyone in sight and destroy the hotel. Archer's next objective is clear: disarm the explosive devices and rescue the hotel guests.

Scene 3[]

Archer chases Volkov through the city, but loses sight of him after he jumps into a dark-blue car at the city gates. As one of Volkov's men has been left behind and is seemingly incapacitated, the player is given the option of interrogating him before heading for the coast.

Fez harmthug

Interrogating Volkov's "Lackey"

If the player opts for interrogation, the scene cuts to a safe house in Fez where the Volkov's "lackey" is given three chances to reveal Volkov's location either through polite questioning or under torture. Whatever method is used, the thug discloses that he doesn't know where Volkov is but knows something else Archer would be interested in.

The scene cuts to a car driving en route to the airport. Ambassador Monroe misinterprets the driver's comments as deliberate badmouthing and gets out claiming that he would "rather walk to the airport than listen to this filth." Volkov's car pulls up in front of the now stranded Ambassador and shoots him at point blank range, leaving a lily next to Monroe's body. (Note: Interrogating Volkov's lackey will give the player an intelligence item. If the player chooses to head directly to the coast without first interrogating the thug, the scene will cut straight to Monroe's assassination and no intelligence item is awarded).

Scene 4[]


Smugglers' Den

Volkov and his men lie in wait for Archer at the smugglers' den from where the Abigail is due to set sail. Volkov warns his men that "if she gets way, I will kill any man she leaves alive..."

In the cover of night, Archer makes her way through the outskirts towards the coast. Volkov's men are lying in wait at the smugglers' den and attempt to apprehend her. After she successfully boards the ship, Volkov makes good on his promise to his men. Looking out after the ship he makes another promise: "We will meet again, Miss Archer..."

Intelligence items[]

There are a total of 41 intelligence items in this mission (39 of them can appear in Intelligence gallery). 3 items are inaccessible without Belt Buckle and Spy-Glasses with Mine Detector function, which become available later in the game. Replaying the mission with customized equipment is required. Additionally, 3 items require certain dialogue choices.

Scene 1[]

7 items:

Item Contents Location

Itinerary for Ambassador Munroe's Moroccan visit:
Sept. 16: Sightseeing
Sept. 17: Golf
Sept. 18: Appointment at Madam Sasha's
Starting room
Letter H.A.R.M. FILE 2287: Agent Archer
BORN: 1942, Glasgow, Scotland
NAME: Catherine Anne Archer
FATHER: Lord William Archer
MOTHER: Catherine Anne MacDougal
On the railing above courtyard with soda machines
Film Photographs of Ambassador Munroe at Madam Sasha's. Between soda machines
Envelope Dear Mr. V., it appears as though the British have taken the bait. They've set up shop in a residential building across from the hotel. More information to come. - P. In locked room which is accessed from the courtyard through window by using zipcord. You can open the door from the inside to the relief of the tenant who locked himself out

(Requires Belt Buckle and can not be acquired on 1st playthrough)

Loose files H.A.R.M. FILE 2286: Catherine Archer

Our records -- no thanks to Bishop, who spilled coffee in the filing cabinet -- indicate that Archer is the daughter of a wealthy English lord and a Scottish noblewoman who died shortly after Archer was born. Lord Archer quickly whittled away his health and inheritance, leaving the family destitute.
Under dresser in Room 12
Letter H.A.R.M. MEMO

TO: Assistant Director Cottswald
RE: Rumored CT 180 Project

Please investigate rumored CT 180 project. Obtain sample by any means necessary. Try to get an instruction manual this time.
Mailboxes in courtyard. They open upon returning from Room 12

(Requires choosing "I just hope there are enough to keep me busy" option when talking to Bruno in the beginning to acquire both. Choosing "I can handle this on my own" only opens one mailbox and having Bruno call out the marks opens none)

Letter Photographs of Ambassador Munroe's young trophy in the company of a large, bald man with an eyepatch.

Scene 2[]

14 items:

Item Contents Location
Note Cate, remember that you can shoot keyed padlocks if you don't happen to have your lock pick handy. Of course, doing so tends to make noise, so be careful. - Bruno On the wall near monkey merchant
Dossier H.A.R.M. ALERT:

To: All employees

I have posted photographs of Agents Lawrie and Archer on the bulletin board. Study them carefully. If you fail to recognize the subjects, I'll assume something is wrong with your eyes and remove them for you. - D.V.
In padlocked room near arguing couple
Letter Dearest Abigail,

Morocco is wonderful and so is Clark. It's a second honeymoon for us both! Our marriage has never been better. Write soon,

Under bed in Room 101 (room with maid)
Briefcase H.A.R.M. MEMO:

From: Assistant to Executive Director Volkov

Incompetence will not be tolerated. H.A.R.M. may not pay as well as high profile operations like Vengeance Factory or Sons of Agony, but the only way we can attain such prestige is through diligence. Remember what H.A.R.M. stands for.
In locked Room 201 (accessible through window by jumping over balcony railing)
Letter Dearest Martha,

It is with heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks that I write these words. I am not the man you believe me to be. In truth, I am a Russian spy. I regret to inform you that I am returning home to my real wife and that I will never see you again. Sorry to have misled you.

Regards, your husband, Clark
By TV in Room 204
Envelope H.A.R.M. ALERT:

All agents be on the lookout for UNITY Agent Bruno Lawrie, a 58-year-old Englishman...distinguished, balding, prefers tweed. Report sightings to Executive Director Volkov.
On bar by man who offers you a frosty beverage
Loose files H.A.R.M. FILE 2289: Catherine Archer

No records exist between '55 and '63. However, activities of The Fox, a notorious female thief, coincide with Archer's known location during the period. Could it be that Cate Archer was once an infamous cat burglar? If so, what went wrong?
On travel agent's desk
Dossier H.A.R.M. FILE 2288: Catherine Archer

In 1954, Lord Archer committed suicide. Cate, then 12 years old, entered the Brighton Home for Little Wanderers, where she remained for six months before disappearing.

Observation: It seems Miss Archer's history is not unlike that of you-know-who. Coincidence... or perhaps a fateful portent? Consult Madam Sasha for insight.
On windowsill in courtyard to the right of hall past travel agent's location
Briefcase Contains a rusty spoon, a tattered detective novel, and an eye patch. On ice machine opposite the entrance to restrooms
Loose files Roger,

Lloyd has obtained a portion of the UNITY CT 180 device and a page of what appears to be an instruction manual. Will forward both to your office.

Francis Javier, Security Chief
On table in center of the room with elevator
Briefcase Contains piece 89g-7 of the CT 180 and a tattered sheet of paper upon which is written, "Leon, your wife called. Your mother-in-law will arrive for supper promptly at 7:00pm. Don't forget to pick up a bottle of wine. If you'll tolerate a recommendation, I'd suggest Maison Du Runnels' Zinfandel. Any vintage before '60 should suffice ('57 is especially superb), as more recent years betray a distinctly undesirable fruitiness. My own chemical analysis suggests the use of lower quality pesticides as the chief culprit. - Santa" Near the luggage dolly in the room with elevator
Loose files H.A.R.M. ALERT:

All agents be on the lookout for UNITY agent Cate Archer, a 5'7" brunette of Scottish/English descent. Report sightings to Executive Director Volkov.

Warning: do not attempt to apprehend her without written consent from your supervisor. If your supervisor is not available, it is permissible to obtain authorization by telephone, providing that a Class A dispatcher is available.
In outdoor courtyard near conference room
Note Cate, you may sometimes come across intelligence items that you cannot recover because you lack a necessary gadget. If you want to collect these items, you'll need to come back later with different equipment. - Bruno On the wall in the room where you meet Bruno
Ledger Just next to previous item

(Requires Spy-Glasses and can not be acquired on 1st playthrough)

Scene 3[]

11 items:

Item Contents Location
Dossier H.A.R.M. MEMO:

TO: Building Services

I regret to inform you that the rodent infestation remains severe at facility #4529 on the Moroccan coast. Animals entering via abandoned well. Please dispatch fumigation team immediately! Morale is at an all-time low.
Near the bench next to where thugs spawn in the beginning
Letter Recall Notice:PU-38 Explosive

A flaw in the U modulator intermittently causes premature firing. All facilities have 45 days to deplete their inventory.
In one of the planters on the wooden terrace in 2nd story on the far side of complex outdoor area (there is a ramp in the back to get there)
Envelope An invoice for 972 boxes of Smooth brand cigarettes to be delivered to facility #4529. Under the telephone in 2nd story area
Envelope H.A.R.M. MEMO:

TO: Building Services

Where are the fumigators for facility #4529? We WILL petition Assistant Director Cottswald if necessary. My men are reporting nightmares of being trod upon by vermin. This is no way for a professional criminal organization to operate!
On the floor in the hall past the telephone in 2nd story area
Letter Dear Selma,

I miss you terribly! Tell your mother I have a job now for a fine company, and the pay is very good. The only drawback is that I have to kill people from time to time, but the insurance policy is first-rate!

Love, Pierre
Under the table on balcony past fruit stand in 2nd story area
Dossier H.A.R.M. FILE 2291: Agent Archer

H.A.R.M. Agent #2576 attempted contact with Archer in March of '63 for recruitment purposes.

Mission status: Unsuccessful. Furthermore, #2576 reports having his wallet lifted by the subject.
Just opposite of the previous item, under another table on adjacent roof
Briefcase Contains piece 4g of the CT 180, a half-eaten chicken salad sandwich, and a creased copy of The Fearless Hyena comic, issue #7. On the floor of the corridor that leads away from the previous complex area to the cortyard with fountain
Dossier H.A.R.M. FILE 2290: Agent Archer

Theft of Fitzwald Diamond in 1959 from the Royal Museum is generally credited to The Fox, a.k.a. Cate Archer.

Observation: It still eludes me why she went over to the "other side" with such a promising career ahead of her. Perhaps some moral defect? Must investigate further.
In the room with 3 thugs and several scattered blue packs of unknown "GrooVe" item
Loose files H.A.R.M. MEMO:

TO: Executive Director Volkov
FROM: Assistant Director Cottswald

It has come to our attention that UNITY is developing an airborne sleeping agent. Attempting to obtain sample, as it may help with your insomnia.
Blueprint Blueprints for a hazardous waste disposal facility near Tangier. Marked "Property of Dumas Industrial Enterprises." In last area after swimming to the end of the canal
Last item in this scene is given to you by Volkov's "lackey"

(Requires choosing "See what this thug knows." option when you encounter him and going through the "torture" cutscene to the end. It doesn't actually matter which options you choose during interrogation though, just don't skip the cutscene)

Scene 4[]

9 items:

Item Contents Location
Envelope H.A.R.M. MEMO:

To: Assistant Director Cottswald

This memo is to alert you that Building Services has repeatedly ignored my letters regarding rodent migration into facility #4529 via the abandoned well. Consider this a formal request for corporal punishment (preferably public) for all responsible parties, as well as paycheck deductions -- the amount to be determined by you, of course -- until the situation is corrected. Thank you.
Inside the tent in 2nd set of ruins
Note Attention all H.A.R.M. employees, as compelling as the thought may be, do not attempt to cross this minefield without the benefit of a mine detector. You will most likely blow yourself up, thereby requiring us to find a replacement for you, which is an expensive, time-consuming process that I would rather avoid.

If you do happen to survive, I will kill you myself. - D.V.
On sign leading into mine field
Briefcase Assistant Director Cottswald,

Yesterday I initiated an internal investigation regarding the supposed expendability directive from the Executive Director. Due to the delicate nature of the issue, I will forward results to your home address.

In the mine field near van

(Almost certainly requires "Mine detector" function of the Spy-Glasses, and can not be acquired on 1st playthrough)

Letter Dear Franz,

I miss Berlin terribly. The weather here is too hot. The operation is going better than expected so far. We've managed to recruit a new double agent. See you next Tuesday.

On the bottom of the well
Briefcase Contains piece 27b of the CT 180, a spatula, and a bottle of suntan oil. In the nice well-lit room with scattered handbags
Letter Invoice:

To: M. Armstrong
ITEM: Three cases Chisholm Premium Scottish Whiskey. PAYMENT DUE 30 DAYS
On the parapet wall of the courtyard overlook, just upstairs of the generator room, near the thugs talking about the ship
Film Photographs of Ambassador Munroe at Madam Sasha's Delicatessen of Delight. Under fountain just past generator room
Letter Dear Beatrice,

I miss you! Tell your mother I have a job now for a fine company, and the pay is very good. You will soon be reading about me in the newspaper! Just look for a headline about the explosion of an oil tanker off the coast near Tangier!

Love, Pierre
On the crate in the corner of big hallway just past generator room
Dossier H.A.R.M. FILE 2292: Agent Archer

Recruited into UNITY by Agent Lawrie. Currently assigned to UNITY Archival Department.

Observation: Just like those goody-goodies to squander such a valuable resource. Pity she didn't have the wherewithal to stick to the glorious life of crime she was intended for. Still, there may be hope for her yet.
In tiny room with guard off main courtyard (the one with several doors on both sides)

Memorable Quotes[]

Scene 1[]


H.A.R.M. assassin targeting Ambassador Monroe

(With regards to the traitor)
Bruno Lawrie: "Spies are rarely well compensated for their treason. I wouldn't be surprised if this new mole is equally underpaid."

Archer: "Well I hope when they catch the bastard they'll put a bullet right through his eyes and a boot up his arse for good measure!"
Lawrie: "You sound ready to volunteer..."
Archer: "I'm dangerous when I'm upset!"

(A tourist approaches Ambassador Monroe)
Man: "Pardon me, do you have the time?"
Monroe: "No sir, I do not have a dime and I don't have much use for beggars!"
Man: "Not a dime, the time."
Monroe: "Don't get snippy me or I'll have you arrested."
Man: "Are you deaf?!?"
Man: "Oh never mind. (walks away)"
Monroe: "COWARD!"


Moroccan thug

(Conversation between two residents at the apartment block courtyard in Scene 1)

"I heard he plans to marry the American girl."
"You mean the girl who refuses to wear shoes?'
"Yes, her."
"I wonder if all American girls despise shoes. It seems very strange, but America is a strange country."
"She may be crazy, but she is attractive."
"Ah, but you're invariably attracted to crazy women."
"All women are crazy."
"Shhh, not so loud!"

(Monroe walks along the streets, taking his dead assassins to be beggars)
Monroe: "Riff-raff!" "Hooligans!" "Rabble!" "Sleep it off somewhere else drunkard!"
(dropping coin) - "Dag burn it! Where's that dime? I better find it quickly before the thieves swoop in like vultures!"

(An American tourist complains to his wife that Morocco is so "foreign")
Woman: "Well it is a foreign country..."
Man: "I know, but Canada's a foreign country too and it isn't this foreign!"

Scene 2[]

(Volkov to one of his agents)
Volkov: "Keep your men out of sight. We don't want to spoil our trap, do we?"
Agent: "Yes sir! I mean, no sir! I mean, yes to the first part and no to the second part. Sir!"
Volkov: "Shut up! Just do as I say, you idiot."


"You look like you need a monkey!"

(A street merchant offering to a HARM agent)
Street Merchant: "You look like you need a monkey."
Agent: "Excuse me?"
Street Merchant: "I have a very fine monkey for you. Only twenty dollars American."
Agent: "Sorry, I don't want a monkey."
Street Merchant: "What do you mean?"
Agent: "I don't want a monkey."
Street Merchant: "Why not?"
Agent: "Because I don't like monkeys. Now get that filthy beast away from me."
Street Merchant: "Are you insulting my monkey?"
Agent: "I'm sure it's a perfectly excellent monkey, but I don't want it. Now please leave. I'm very busy."
Street Merchant: "Ten dollars."
Agent: "No! I wouldn't want the dreadful thing even it were free."
Street Merchant: "Free?! You want my children to starve?"
Agent: "If they're hungry, I suggest you feed them the monkey."
Street Merchant: "This is a valuable monkey! My wife would kill me if she knew I was offering it to you so cheap."
Agent: "You don't seem to understand- I DON'T WANT A MONKEY!"
Street Merchant: "Infidel."

(Two thugs discuss the morning meeting and Volkov's threat to remove people's eyes)

"Mr. Volkov said the girl will be here soon."
"How will we recognize her?"
"You didn't see the photograph on the bulletin board?"
"What photograph?"
"Mon dieu!"
"I'm sorry! Nobody told me."
"Mr. Volkov was very specific at the meeting this morning. He said ... Be sure to study the photograph on the bulletin board. If you fail to recognize her, I'll assume something is wrong with your eyes and remove them for you."
"I missed the meeting. I had to drop my daughter at school. I don't want him to scoop out my eyes!"
"I have no sympathy for you. You knew this was an important mission. You should have made other arrangements for your daughter."
"Can you describe the girl for me? What color is her hair?"
"Why should I tell you? It would serve you right to have your eyes gouged out with a rusty spoon. You need to learn to prioritize."
"Please! I beg you! Is she young or old? How does she dress?"
"She's 50 years old and wears a suit of armor."
"I don't believe you!"
"She just turned 14 and she runs around in a bath towel."
"Curse you! May all your sons marry camels."
"If you must curse someone, curse yourself. There are a lot of people who would kill to have this job. You should take your work more seriously."
"Please, just tell me what color her eyes are! Blue? I'll kill every woman with blue eyes that I see. Brown? Green?"
"I have to get back to my post. See you later. If you have eyes."
"(Cry of despair.)"

(One thug needs to go number one...)

"Any sign of her yet?"
"Damn! I got to pee!"
"Well go then!"
"What if she shows up while I'm in the restroom?"
"Good point. Can you hold it?"
"I guess so..."

Scene 3[]

(A tourist couple have an argument with the street merchant)
Man: "I wouldn't give you a rotten fig for that disgusting animal!"
Merchant: "Are you insulting my monkey?"
Man: "I spit upon your monkey!"
Merchant: "You are a horrible person!"
Woman: "I think the monkey's kinda cute..."

(Interrogating Volkov's "lackey")
Archer: (After torturing him the first time) "Did you enjoy that?"
Lackey: "No!"
Archer: "Spare yourself the suffering. Tell me where I can find Volkov and you might walk out of here with clean underpants!"
Lackey: "Too late for that..."
Archer: "That's disgusting!"
Lackey. "Sorry..."

Scene 4[]

(A guard is furious with another for having left his post)
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be watching the front gate?"
"I ran out of cigarettes."
"You ran out of cigarettes? You mean to tell me you left your post because you needed a cigarette?"
"I was only gone for a few minutes."
"It only takes a few seconds for someone to sneak in here."
"I'm sorry."
"You will be sorry if that girl got in here while you were messing around."
"Relax. She didn't get in."
"How do you know?"
"Hassan would have radioed us if he saw her"
"What if she sneaked past him?"
"That's Hassan's fault, not mine!"
"Idiot! I think Mr. Volkov would disagree with you. Would you like me to tell him?"
(shoots the other guard) "Tell it to the worms instead!"


Abigail โ€ข Abigaille โ€ข Ambassador โ€ข Ammo box โ€ข Archival Department (UNITY) โ€ข Azrou โ€ข Baklava โ€ข Barrette โ€ข Beer โ€ข Berlin โ€ข Bishop โ€ข Body Armor โ€ข Body Remover โ€ข Brighton Home for Little Wanderers โ€ข Bruno Lawrie โ€ข Building Services (H.A.R.M.) โ€ข Camel โ€ข Canada โ€ข Cate Archer โ€ข Catherine Anne MacDougal โ€ข Chateau Du Sasha โ€ข Chicken Salad Sandwich โ€ข Clark โ€ข Coffee โ€ข Cottswald โ€ข Crepes โ€ข Croissant โ€ข CT-180 Utility Launcher โ€ข Currie โ€ข Dieter โ€ข Dime โ€ข Dmitrij Volkov โ€ข Dollar โ€ข Dumas Industrial Enterprises โ€ข England โ€ข Explosive โ€ข Facility 4529 โ€ข Fez โ€ข Fig โ€ข Fire Extinguisher โ€ข Fitzwald Diamond โ€ข Fizzy Soda โ€ข France โ€ข Francis Javier โ€ข Franz โ€ข Freighter โ€ข Geldmacher SVD โ€ข Glasgow โ€ข Golf โ€ข Grand Caravan Hotel โ€ข Hampton Carbine โ€ข Hampton MPL 9mm SMG โ€ข H.A.R.M. โ€ข Hassan โ€ข Intelligence items โ€ข Istanbul โ€ข Le Chameau Heureux โ€ข Leon โ€ข Leopold โ€ข Lily โ€ข Lloyd โ€ข Lock โ€ข Lord William Archer โ€ข Lyle โ€ข Madam Sasha's โ€ข Maid โ€ข Maison Du Runnels โ€ข Marrakech โ€ข Martha โ€ข Medina โ€ข Mine โ€ข Mine Detector โ€ข Mole โ€ข Monkey โ€ข Monolith Productions โ€ข Moon โ€ข Moroccan Civil Services โ€ข Morocco โ€ข Morris Monroe โ€ข Orange โ€ข Orange Fizz โ€ข Petri .38 Airweight Revolver โ€ข Pierre โ€ข Pig โ€ข Princeton University โ€ข PU-38 Explosive โ€ข Quid โ€ข Radio โ€ข Roger โ€ข Royal Museum โ€ข Safe House โ€ข Santa โ€ข Selma โ€ข Scotland โ€ข Shepherd Arms 9mm โ€ข Smooth Cigarettes โ€ข Sons of Agony โ€ข Soviet Union โ€ข Tangier โ€ข Tasty Cola โ€ข Tea โ€ข Telephone โ€ข The Fearless Hyena โ€ข TR 61 โ€ข United States โ€ข UNITY โ€ข Vengeance Factory โ€ข Victoria โ€ข Watermelon โ€ข Wine


  • In Scene 1, opening the door of Apartment 25 from the inside (access using the Belt Buckle), will prompt the man in the corridor to say, "Thank you for your help". This is one of the few occasions in the game in which a civilian expresses their gratitude when not being rescued from enemy attack. A glitch causes the NPC to repeat his line each time the door is opened or closed.
  • There are several references to Morocco's recent history as a protectorate of France (which lasted from 1912-1956). Some of these allusions include signs in the French language, French hotel names (e.g. "Le Chameau Heureux" = "The Happy Camel") and a French maid who complains about the hotel guests with a thick French accent: "Mon Dieu (My God), what pigs zese people are!"
  • If Civilians are killed by the player, the failure status reads: "You Killed a Civilian" or "Unacceptable Civilian Casualties". If the monkey from Scene 2 is killed, the status humorously reads: "Unacceptable Simian Casualties". The term "Simian" is a scientific classification of primates that includes monkeys and apes. Interestingly enough, if the monkey from Scene 3 is killed, the failure status reverts to "Unacceptable civilian casualties".
  • Several gadgets that have not been introduced yet are needed to retrieve intelligence items, such as the belt buckle and Spy-Glasses. A note from Bruno which explains that Archer "may have to return" to the mission with the "right equipment" breaks the fourth wall.
    • Because the PS2 version lacks Equipment select screen, the two "locked" Intelligence Items are removed in this version.
  • Several intelligence items contain interesting background information on Archer's past and certain parts of the CT-180 device (later revealed to be the Utility Launcher from the sequel).
  • H.A.R.M's assassins carry Geldmacher SVD in this mission. If players glitch out of bound and pick them up, they can notice one pickup has an insane amount of ammo, enough to fill up the max capacity. If the mission is completed with this gun collected, it'll become unlocked and usable from then on, despite not being formally introduced yet.
  • An intelligence item found in Scene 2 is a letter written by "Clark" to his wife Martha in which he confesses to her that he is in fact a Russian spy and must now leave her for his "real wife" back home. Martha and Clark can be found in the canteen area of the Grand Caravan Hotel. In the bonus chapter Rest and Relaxation, the player can find the return letters from Martha's friend. This little sub-plot is revisited in the game's sequel in Chapter 12: Undersea, where two letters can be found that continue Clark and Martha's story.
  • This is the first mission where Archer has to "prevent civilian casualties", a recurring objective that is given in several missions.
  • Near the end of Scene 2, there's a woman standing next to a long corridor that Archer can talk to if she isn't spooked by gunfire. Repeatedly talking to her and Archer will eventually ask her to distract the two goons at the hallway, which she accepts. Archer can then take a door nearby to go around the hallway and witness the conversation for some funny dialogues.
  • A blueprint found under the bridge leading to city gates in Scene 3 is marked "Property of Dumas Industrial Enterprises", foreshadowing the company's and its executives future involvement in later missions.
  • While it marks Volkov's first appearance with dialogue, he does not reappear until a much later level (H.A.R.M.'s Promise).
  • There seems to be a slight mistake with one of the intelligence items in Scene 1: An envelope detailing Monroe's schedule states that he is to depart on September 18th, even though he leaves for the airport on the very day that the mission takes place (the 16th).
  • With a grand total of 41, this mission contains the largest amount of intelligence items in any mission of the game.
  • Shooting Bruno's body after he is shot by Volkov fails the mission for "Desecrating his corpse". This foreshadows that he is not really dead.
Missions in The Operative: No One Lives Forever
The Assignment ยท Misfortune in Morocco ยท Requiem for a Spy ยท Berlin by Night ยท Unexpected Turbulence ยท Nine Years Ago, Scene 1* ยท Care to Explain? ยท Rendezvous in Hamburg ยท Visit to Santa's Workshop ยท A Tenuous Lead ยท Nine Years Ago, Scene 2* ยท H.A.R.M.'s Promise ยท The Dive ยท If Our Demands Are Not Met ยท A Man of Influence ยท Further Investigation Required ยท Safecracker ยท An Ounce of Hope, a Pound of Despair ยท Rescue Attempt ยท A Stern Warning ยท Trouble in the Tropics ยท Low Earth Orbit ยท Good Luck and God Speed ยท Alpine Intrigue ยท The Indomitable Cate Archer ยท Nine Years Ago, Scene 3* ยท A Very Large Explosion ยท Such Is the Nature of Revenge ยท Rest and Relaxation**
* Only in PlayStation 2 version
** Only in Game of the Year edition