- A vicious little 9 mm submachinegun. Elegantly simple and hardy.
- -In-game description
The Hampton MPL 9mm SMG (The Walther MPL) has a 30 round magazine capacity, is chambered in 9x19mm and has the ability to mount a sound suppressor. It can use standard FMJ, Dum-Dum and incendiary ammunition. It can not use cyanide rounds like Gordon SMG but it has a suppressor for fitting in stealth missions and packs a visibly low recoil when suppressed.
A few factions in the game use the Hampton MPL 9mm SMG as their standard SMG, including UNITY's commandos and Magnus Armstrong's H.A.R.M. paratroopers. Cate Archer keeps an MPL as well as Petri revolver in her apartment.
- Cate Archer will hold the Hampton MPL 9mm SMG sideways in the The Operative: No One Lives Forever mission Unexpected Turbulence. This is the only time the weapon is held this way in the game.
- The "sideway" Hampton MPL 9mm SMG is treated as a separate weapon and will show up alongside the normal variant when acquired via cheat code. If the mission is then completed, the "sideway" Hampton MPL 9mm SMG will be unlocked and selectable in the Weapon selection menu, showing up alongside the normal variant. The "sideway" Hampton MPL 9mm SMG has its own ammo counter which is not shared with the normal Hampton MPL 9mm SMG, and it cannot mount a Silencer.
External link[]
- Walther MP on Wikipedia