No One Lives Forever Wiki
ContractJACK EnergyCannon

The Energy Cannon

An Energy Cannon is an energy weapon used by John Jack and members of Danger Danger while fighting in the remains of the H.A.R.M. Space Station that crashed on the Moon.

The weapon used charges for ammo. The Energy Cannon was first introduced in the mission Lunar Psycho. It was hidden in a secret area on the crashed H.A.R.M. Space Station (an air vent next to some stairs).

It is not known if this weapon was developed by Dr. Harij or a H.A.R.M. technician.

After Jack had crashed his rocket back in Italy for the final chapter, he found an Energy Cannon under a bed in one of the buildings occupied by Danger Danger.

Danger Danger probably brought an Energy Cannon they found on the H.A.R.M. Space Station.

See Also[]

External link[]

Directed-energy weapon on Wikipedia
