These are list of easter eggs & secrets in NOLF. They are all found in missions and specific scenes. The easter eggs are usually comedy relief, or in case of the NOLF 2 easter egg, a nod to the franchise's first game. Some secrets are also comedy relief, engine leftovers (the "extra" Cate Archer) or useful add-ons for making the next play through, or further levels, easier.
Easter Eggs[]
- "Mandatory FPS Sewer" is the text of a sign that appears in a sewer in The Operative: No One Lives Forever . The sewer can be encountered in the mission Berlin by Night.
This humorous text refers to the fact that many FPS (first-person shooter) games contain cliché levels, including sections which take place in sewers.
- In No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way, there is a radio in a building, located in the area where you are tasked to find gas for your snowmobile, in the first Siberian level. The radio plays the intro credits theme from The Operative: No One Lives Forever, as a nod to the original game.
- There are two references to the 1981 pop song by the band Tommy Tutone called 867-5309/Jenny. 8675 appears on the side of the H.A.R.M. Submarine with 309 appearing on the wing of the submarine tower. This is seen in a cut scene in the NOLF1 Mission The Dive. The number appears again on the sign of the Hotel Happy Guest in the India missions in NOLF2.
No One Lives Forever
- Rescue Attempt (Red Wagon)
- Rescue Attempt (Secret Explosion)
- Low Earth Orbit (Sexual Scene)
- A Man of Influence (Baron's Hunting Grounds)
- Rendezvous in Hamburg (The New Das Einsame Valkyrie)
- Secret "Extra" Cate Archer
- Oktoberfest Surprise Recipe

"Mandatory FPS Sewer" sign as seen in-game.
Addons (Usable in Equipment Selection after they're found)
- Earplugs (A Tenuous Lead, Scene 3)
- Fuzzy Slippers (Rescue Attempt, Scene 3; in the women's bathroom)
- Fire Extinguisher (Misfortune in Morocco, Scene 4; in the minefield next to the van)
- Antitoxin (The Dive, Scene 3; on a tabletop in the ship's mess hall)(Such Is the Nature of Revenge, Scene 2; on the path just ahead of your starting position)
- Bandages (A Man of Influence, Scene 2; Inside a warehouse with a partially open cargo door. Platform on top of the boxes to find a small crawlspace with the bandages inside.)
No One Lives Forever 2
Mentions from around the web[]
- "One thing I particularly liked was when you go into this sewer and there's a sign on the wall reading 'Mandatory FPS Sewer'. It's little touches like this that make NOLF a joy to play.
- "The developers aren’t even above mocking the genre itself, with a sign in a sewer even reading 'Mandatory FPS Sewer.' It’s this self-knowing tongue-in-cheek humor that gives No One Lives Forever its decidedly goofy sheen, which only further pushes its rather unique envelope.
- "I have seen many FPS games but too many of them have devolved into cliched levels – so common a problem that classic spy shooter 'No One Lives Forever' spoofed it with a 'Mandatory FPS Sewer Level' sign, and players have compiled satirical lists of 'favorite video game rooms full of crates'.
- "The game is populated with throwaway lines and gags. One sign in a sewers says: 'Mandatory FPS sewer.' It just all adds to the knowing wink that the game gives its audience; it understands the clichés and the faults of the genre and makes them work to its advantage.