The following is a listing of the end credits for Contract J.A.C.K.
As Dmitrij Volkov compliments John Jack on the successful recovery of Dr. Harij, he states that H.A.R.M. is in the middle of a hiring freeze and regrets having to take the next step. This step is shooting Jack. As Jack falls to the ground is viewpoint is farther down the cavern within the H.A.R.M. Headquarters. The credits start as Volkov and Harij talk business. There is one cut scene that plays towards the end of the credits.
"---" separates the credit screens
Contract J.A.C.K.[]
The Contract J.A.C.K. Team:
(In Alphabetical Order)
James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer
Scott Albaugh, Senior 2D/3D Artist/Animator
Matt Allen, Senior 2D/3D Artist
Ellen Beeman, Producer
Curt Collins, 2D/3D Artist
Kevin Deadrick, Level Designer
Michael Drummond, Level Designer
Kevin Francis, Senior Engineer
Jim Geldmacher, Engineer
John Gramlich, Associate Producer/QA Lead
Chris Hewett, Director of Development
Rodney Houle, Level Designer
Craig Hubbard, Creative Director/Lead Game Designer
Steve Lee, Senior 2D/3D Artist
David Longo, Art Director/Lead 3D Artist
Piotr Mintus, Engineer
John Mulkey, Lead Level Designer
Jeff Orkin, Senior Engineer
John O'Rorke, Senior Engineer
Brian Pamintuan, Engineer
Brad Pendleton, Lead Engineer
Dusty Peterson, 2D/3D Artist
Sasha Runnels, Senior 2D/3D Artist
Wes Saulsbery, Art Lead
Kevin Stephens, Director of Engineering
Akika Tanaka, 2D/3D Artist
Cassano Thurston, Sound Designer
Simon Wong, Motion Capture Engineer
Music composed and arranged by Nathan Grigg
Special thanks to the following Monolith personnel:
Andrea Barringer
Dan Brady
Wayne Burns
Dan Fagan
Terry Franguiadakis
Andy Grant
Jason Hall
J.J. Hoesing
Patti Kail
Eric Kohler
Gary Kussman
Spencer Maiers
Dan Miller
Frank Rooke
Samantha Ryan
Jonathan Stein
Jim Totaro
Jim Wallingford
Sandra Watanabe
Kiyotaka Yaguchi
Special thanks to:
Justin Cooney, ATI
Todd Clauson, Intel
Cindy Desmarais, Glitchpop
Keith Galocy, NVidia
Greg James, NVidia
Jamie Lopez, The Actor's Group
Matt McClellan, Intel
Steve Mitchell, Steve Mitchell Studios
Derek Reynolds, Intel
Kevin Schumacher, Topo Swope Talent
Topo Swope, Topo Swope Talent
Voice Cast:
John Armstrong (Il Pazzo & Various Enemies)
Jock Blaney (Dmitrij Volkov)
Ken Boynton (Dr. Harij & Various Enemies)
Collin Byrne (Various Enemies)
David Gehrman (Various Enemies)
Motion Capture Cast:
Jenna Hawkins
John Kaufmann
Justin Emeka
Executive Producer:
Rich Robinson
Production Assistant:
Angela Mendez
VP Development:
Kelly Zmak
Production Operations Manager:
Julie Pitt
Director, Marketing:
Lee Rossini
Brand Manager:
Adam Fossa
Marketing Associate:
Beth Freeman
Account Supervisor:
Egil Gloersen
Director, Public Relations:
Sarita Churchill
Rod Shean
QA Director:
Stuart Hay
QA Brand Manager:
David Schapiro
QA Project Leads:
William Guerrero, Joseph Peren
QA Associate Lead:
Robert Bare
QA Associate Lead:
Michael Kurilko
QA Testers:
Alex Hammond
Andrew Ebert
Armond James
Chris Miller
Daryl Vaughn
David Dionisio
Don Carroll
Dorian White
Dylan Koziowski
Jerry Hung
Jonathan Backer
Jonathan Bigalbal
Justin Walker
Kevin Jefferson
Kevin Lo
Kit Chan
Mark Yao
Matthew Byward
Matthew Jensen
Michael Choung
Michael Jackson
Minh Do
Phillip Semenik
Pierre Shorette
Raymond Hsiao
Robert Scott
Sergio Terrazas
Configuration Testing:
Randy Linch
Jamie Rios
Afolabi Akibola
Jason Perry
Andrew Ebert
Robert Gardner
Min Huang
Mark Jihanian
Jack Yao
- After Volkov and Dr. Harji leave, Jack picks himself up off the ground stating "I wouldn't want to work for you sons-of-bitches anyway." (the credits continue running through the cut scene)
Compatibility Testing:
Rey Castillo
Bob Eatmon
Peter Elmore
Don Carroll
Jonathan Backer
Matthew Jensen
James Pasque
Raymond Hsiao
Veronica Valdez
- Jack stumbles towards Volkov's skis as he recalls Dr. Harij's question about skiing being dangerous.
Lab Tech:
Jon Walton
Stephen Yang
Richard Benavides
Jeffery Kuhn
- Jack focuses on Volkov's skis.
Special Thanks:
Jim Wilson
Michael Pole
Peter Della Penna
Shari Lindholm
James Shaw
Tracy Gibbs
(c) 2003 Monolith Productions, Inc. All rights
reserved. Contract J.A.C.K. and Cate Archer
are trademarks of Monolith Productions, Inc.
Development by Monolith Productions, Inc.
Sierra and the Sierra logo are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
in the U.S. and/or other countries.
No One Lives Forever, Vivendi Universal Games
and the Vivendi Universal Games logo are
trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Inc.
This product contains Jupiter Technology
licensed from Touchdown Entertainment, Inc.
(c) 2003 Touchdown Entertainment, Inc. All rights
Uses Bink Video, Copyright (c)1997-2003
by RAD Game Tools, Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed
from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson multimedia.
NVIDIA, the NVIDIA Logo, NVIDIA The Way It's
Meant to be Played Logo and other NVIDIA
Markes are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation
in the United States and other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark or
trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel
The rating icon is a trademark of the
Interactive Digital Software Association.
Any other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
Earth, Moon and Sun source photos courtesy
of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA).
Thanks for playing Contract J.A.C.K.!
- Mission Summary screen is presented.