No One Lives Forever Wiki

No One Lives Forever series features an extensive selection of weapons and spy-themed gadgets, each with its own strengths and weaknesses or limitations obtainable throughout the game.

The PC version of NOLF features a weapon unlocking system. By finishing the missions, weapons picked up and carried with Archer will be unlocked for usage in future playthrough, with appropriate starting ammo. NOLF2 and Contract J.A.C.K did away with weapon unlocking, so Archer/Jack always start the mission with their default equipment, and new weapons must be found and picked up along the way.

In NOLF (PC version), custom gadgets might be required to reach secret areas and/or collecting special intelligence items. This is noted by Bruno in Misfortune in Morocco, hinting that Archer must return to previously completed missions once she unlocked new gadgets in order to obtain secret items and intelligence items.

All items (52)
