No One Lives Forever Wiki

A box of Bandaids.

Bandaids (aka Bandages) is a medical equipment used to recover from wounds encountered in the field. They are often found in First Aid Kits.

No One Lives Forever[]

In The Operative: No One Lives Forever Bandaids are a specialty item that can be equipped after the player finds them in A Man of Influence (in a hidden section) or in Rest and Relaxation.

No One Lives Forever 2[]

Bandaids are one of two ways to heal from damage within NOLF2. First Aid Kits are a second option if found. The First Aid Kit recovers more health than bandages.

Bandaids can be found in certain locations on missions or randomly by searching fallen opponent. If more Skill Points is put into searching, the more likely that the player will find useful items such as Bandaids.

Contract J.A.C.K.[]

Like NOLF2, Bandages will heal a smaller amount of health when compared to First Aid Kits. There are also found in various locations on missions. However John Jack cannot search for useful items on fallen opponents.

External link[]

Bandage on Wikipedia
